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Building new Bows & Arrows. Refurbishing service!
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For a long period of time I was interested in bow building and wanted the experience to build one myself. Through various web-sites, forums etc. I gained information how to build a bow and the requirements needed.

My first goal was buying a vintage bow and refurbish it to gain experience and use it for traditional shooting. The first bow that I bought was a vintage Ben Pearson Pinto recurve bow from 1969. When pulling the bow, it appeared that the limbs showed some severe twist. Therefore I had to cut off both limbs and attach new limbs to the riser. The riser needed some adaptions to match the fitting to the riser. The bow was tillered properly and was finished off. (see Bow building page) Before selling this refurbished Pinto to someone who really wanted this bow, I used it at some traditional shoots.

Since then I have bought several (vintage) bows through e-bay (USA & Germany), refurbished them and sold them again. Because these refurbishing jobs turned out well I will keep doing that, but only on request.

Somewhat later I started building bows using the experience I gained. First I made an old riser and matched some existing limbs and fitted them to the riser to a functional bow.

Because exotic woods are nice to work with and show beautiful patterns when applying laquer or oil, I started to build Reflex/Deflex type bows using these exotic woods in the limbs.

The first R/D bow I built had a bamboo backing and a Ip belly. The riser was made from Osage. The second one had an Ipe backing and an Osage belly with a laminated Osage riser. The third bow had a bamboo backing and Ipe belly but this time I used inland oak for the riser section.

After some time I started to use glass on my bows using a new designed bow form that has more reflex.

Making arrows also forms a part of this addictive hobby and can be seen on the arrow building page.
Edited by Arnold on 18-03-2010 21:23
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